Benton County
Mississippi Genealogy & History Network


Benton County, Mississippi

Please submit your Benton County, Mississippi cemetery records and updates for researchers to share. Send your information to the Benton County, Mississippi Genealogy & History Network at

If you know of an Benton County, Mississippi cemetery that is not on our list, please let us know.

Click on any linked cemetery name below to see tombstone photos and more information

Allen Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Amaziah Cemetery
In the Hickory Flat Community.

Andrews Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Asbury Cemetery
GPS: 34.827890, -89.185240

Ashland Cemetery
GPS: 34.837222, -89.173333

Ashland Church of Christ Cemetery
GPS: 34.832778, -89.170278

Armor Family Cemetery
Located on private property

Ayers Cemetery
GPS: 34.760278, -89.205833

Ayres-Ferrell Cemetery
GPS: 34.844602, -89.216659

Bagby Cemetery
GPS: 34.979783, -89.219888

Bains Chapel Cemetery
GPS: 34.750528, -89.180613

Beck Cemetery
GPS: 34.810746, -89.221513

Beech Hill Church of Christ Cemetery
GPS: 34.750278, -89.094722

Beldorah Cemetery
GPS: 34.625833, -89.158333

Berry Hill Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Bethel Methodist Church Cemetery
GPS: 34.721111, -89.136111

Bethlehem Cemetery
GPS: 34.869167, -89.142778

Black Jack Cemetery
GPS: 34.880000, -89.083333

Bluff Springs Cemetery
GPS: 34.772222, -89.185000

Bogard Cemetery
GPS: 34.804167, -89.246667

Bonner Cemetery
Location unknown.

Brents Cemetery
Location unknown.

Brewer Cemetery
Location unknown.

Brooks Cemetery
Location unknown.

Brown Cemetery
Little Egypt Road north of Johnny Nutt Road
GPS: 34.842143, -89.161824

Bryant Cemetery
GPS: 34.972778, -89.046111

Butler Cemetery
Location unknown.

Calvary Cemetery
Location unknown.

Camp Hill Cemetery
GPS: 34.937222, -89.030556

Canaan Cemetery
GPS: 34.932222, -89.128889

Casey Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Casey Cemetery
Location unknown.

Casey Ham Cemetery
Location unknown.

Clayton Cemetery
GPS: 34.695833, -89.269722

Clayton Cemetery
Location unknown.

Coleman Cemetery
Location unknown.

Collins Cemetery
GPS: 34.723056, -89.143056

Curtis Creek Cemetery
GPS: 34.768333, -89.106667

Duncan Cemetery
GPS: 34.730833, -89.107222

Duncan Cemetery
Location unknown.

Elliott Cemetery
GPS: 34.712222, -89.195556

Flat Rock Cemetery
GPS: 34.656389, -89.097500

Fleet Cemetery
GPS: 34.931389, -89.249444

Friendship Cemetery
GPS: 34.824167, -89.111111

Gorman Cemetery
GPS: 34.935556, -89.282222

Governor Matthews Cemetery
GPS: 34.841944, -89.260278

Greenwood Cemetery
GPS: 34.880278, -89.288889

Hamer Cemetery
GPS: 34.854167, -89.241389

Hamilton Cemetery
GPS: 34.914167, -89.054444

Hardaway Cemetery
GPS: 34.900556, -89.263611

Hardaway Cemetery
GPS: 34.968611, -89.140833

Harmony Cemetery
GPS: 34.742222, -89.291667

Harwell Cemetery
Location unknown.

Hephzibah Cemetery
GPS: 34.611926, -89.089289

Hickory Flat Cemetery
Location unknown.

Hickory Hill Cemetery
GPS: 34.926667, -89.333611

Hill Cemetery
GPS: 34.990000, -89.192778

Hill Cemetery
Location unknown.

Hines Cemetery
GPS: 34.981944, -89.057500

Hopewell Cemetery
GPS: 34.858611, -89.344167

Hopewell Cemetery
GPS: 34.962500, -89.054444

Hopkins Cemetery
GPS: 34.821111, -89.035556

Howard Cemetery
GPS: 34.969444, -89.347222

Hudspeth Cemetery
GPS: 34.732500, -89.162222

Johnson Cemetery
GPS: 34.626389, -89.223611

Jordan Cemetery
GPS: 34.766111, -89.200278

Jordan Cemetery
GPS: 34.766105, -89.200303

Leak Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Liberty Cemetery
GPS: 34.788056, -89.232222

Liming Cemetery
Located on private property

Littleton Cemetery
GPS: 34.894444, -89.179444

Lonoke Cemetery
GPS: 34.722778, -89.249444

Luna Cemetery
Location unknown.

Macedonia Cemetery
Location unknown.

Malone Mountain Cemetery
Location unknown.

Maxwell Cemetery
GPS: 34.896111, -89.239722

McDonald Cemetery
GPS: 34.764627, -89.169871

McDonald Cemetery
Location unknown.

McKay Cemetery
GPS: 34.622500, -89.190833

McKee Cemetery
GPS: 34.933611, -89.041944

McKinzie Cemetery
GPS: 34.929722, -89.203056

Medlock Cemetery
GPS: 34.911944, -89.092222

Meechan-Nunally Cemetery
Location unknown.

Mitchell Cemetery
GPS: 34.814722, -89.281667

Moore Cemetery
Location unknown.

Moore Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Morgan Family Cemetery
Location unknown.

Morran Cemetery
Location unknown.

Mount Pleasant Cemetery
GPS: 34.938611, -89.034722

Mount Zion Cemetery
GPS: 34.812500, -89.282222

Mount Zion Cemetery
GPS: 34.863056, -89.068889

Mount Zion Cemetery
GPS: 34.799444, -89.273611

Myrtle Cemetery
Location unknown.

New Hope Cemetery
GPS: 34.858889, -89.092222

New Prospect Cemetery
Location unknown.

New Salem Cemetery
Location unknown.

Oak Grove Cemetery
Location unknown.

Old Beech Hill Church of Christ Cemetery
GPS: 34.625278, -89.168611

Old Culp Cemetery
Location unknown.

Old Hardy Cemetery
Location unknown.

Old Hickory Flat Cemetery
[see Old Beech Hill Church of Christ Cemetery]

Old Lamar Cemetery
GPS: 34.914444, -89.316667

Old Salem Cemetery
GPS: 34.836705, -89.228204

Ormans Cemetery
GPS: 34.800000, -89.101667

Palestine Cemetery
GPS: 34.686667, -89.240833

Parrott Cemetery
Location unknown.

Paupers Cemetery
Location unknown.

Pine Cemetery
GPS: 34.968889, -89.287222

Pine Grove Cemetery
GPS: 34.706389, -89.175556

Pisgah Cemetery
GPS: 34.626944, -89.221389

Pleasant Hill Cemetery
GPS: 34.784444, -89.157778

Potts Cemetery
Location unknown.

Redfern Cemetery
GPS: 34.895833, -89.166667

Roberson Cemetery
Location unknown.

Robertson Cemetery
Location unknown.

Robinson Cemetery
GPS: 34.877500, -89.205278

Rynehart Cemetery
GPS: 34.940833, -89.305000

Samuel Chapel Cemetery
GPS: 34.887778, -89.211111

Shawnee Cemetery
GPS: 34.770556, -89.287500

Shelby Creek Cemetery
GPS: 34.771111, -89.087778

Shiloh Cemetery
GPS: 34.828398, -89.183711

Simpson Cemetery
GPS: 34.764052, -89.131163

Smith Cemetery
GPS: 34.897500, -89.347778

Spencer Cemetery
Location unknown.

Spring Hill Cemetery
Location unknown.

Tate Cemetery
GPS: 34.861944, -89.103333

Thomilson Cemetery
Location unknown.

Valley Grove Cemetery
GPS: 34.970833, -89.261944

Vaughan-Pettypool Cemetery
GPS: 34.823064, -89.159495

Walls Cemetery
Location unknown.

Ward Cemetery
Location unknown.

Wells Cemetery
Location unknown.

Wesley Cemetery
GPS: 34.961389, -89.090000

Wicker Cemetery
GPS: 34.621944, -89.109722

Woodson Cemetery
Location unknown.

Worship Cemetery
GPS: 34.968611, -89.293056

Wynn Cemetery
Location unknown.

Wynn Family Cemetery
GPS: 34.945006, -89.250107

Zion Chapel Cemetery
GPS: 34.910556, -89.079444