1813 Marion County, Mississippi Tax Roll
Please submit your Marion County, Mississippi census records and information for researchers to share. Send your information to the Marion County, Mississippi Genealogy & History Network at msghn@outlook.com
Disclaimer: We strive to provide acccurate information to our visitors, however mistakes can and do happen. Reading old style handwriting is at times very difficult. "J's" can look like "I's", "M's can look like "N's" or even "W's" depending on that census taker's style of handwriting. Keep this in mind when using this information.
The data below is a list of names appearing on the 1813 Marion County, Mississippi Tax Roll
- Alen, Gabriel
- Algood, Wyatt
- Allen, Barnebus
- Anderson, Catherine
- Anderson, William
- Andrews, James
- Applewhite, John
- Ard, James
- Arledge, Ison
- Armstrong, Henry
- Armstrong, John
- Biccoat, Labourn
- Baley, Benjamin
- Baley, Thomas
- Ball, E. Sampson
- Balord, James
- Balord, John
- Barbee, Samuel
- Barber, William
- Barksdale, Collier
- Barksdale, Abner
- Barnet, Peter
- Barnwell, William
- Barret, George
- Batson, Peter
- Batson, James
- Batson, Seth
- Batson, Thomas
- Beard, William
- Bell, Eleaszer
- Bell, Jesse
- Blue,John
- Bond, Henry
- Bond, James
- Bond, John
- Bond, Robert
- Bond, William
- Bracey, William
- Brasel, Benjamin
- Brent, John, Jr.
- Brent, John, Sr.
- Brown, Damiel
- Brown,Moses
- Buckelow John, Jr.
- Bullin, Williams
- Bullock, James
- Bullock, Silas
- Bullock, William
- Butler, Luke
- Cagle, John
- Calwell, Joseph
- Cannaday, Benjamin
- Caok, Green
- Carpenter, John
- Carpenter, William
- Carter, Alen
- Carter, Isaacc
- Carter, Jacob
- Carter, Mikel
- Carter, Samuel
- Carter, William
- Chapman, Abner
- Cleaveland, David
- Clower, John
- Coal, Solomon
- Coleman, Henry
- Cook, Lewis
- Cook, Thomas
- Cooper, Hambleton
- Cooper, John
- Cooper, Joseph
- Cooper, William
- Coor, John
- Cossy, Solomon
- Cothran, Acee
- Craford, William
- Croft, Jessy
- Crueye, Henry
- Cuttrer, John
- Daughtry, Enos
- Davis, Daniel
- Davison, John
- Deer, John
- Dickerson, Caleb
- Dickerson, Henry
- Dilling, Clarkston
- Dilling, Richard
- Dukes, Jessey
- Dukes, Simon
- Dunkley, Richard
- Dunnihoe, Daniel
- Dunnihoe, William
- Earle, William
- East, William
- Edmonson, Amos
- Ellet, William
- Ellis, John
- Ellis, Owen
- Ellison, William
- Fan, Joseph
- Fanhill, Loften
- Farmer, William
- Fatheree, Levi
- Fielder, Peter
- Finley, Nicholes
- Ford John
- Ford Joseph
- Ford, David
- Ford, Preserved
- Ford, Solomon
- Foxworth, Stephen M.
- Gale, Josiah
- Gale, Robert
- Gales, James
- Garner, Vinson
- Gibson, James
- Gill, James
- Gill,Thomas
- Ginn, Jepthy
- Glass, John
- Goff, Nathaniel
- Golman, Beedy
- Graham, William
- Graves, Isaac
- Graves, William
- Green, Ephraim
- Green, John
- Green, Leonord
- Green, William
- Hailes, Henry
- Haines, Noble
- Hall, Alexander
- Harbert, William
- Hartzog, George
- Harvery, Thomas, Jr.
- Harvey, John
- Harvey, John, II
- Harvey, Michael
- Harvey, Nehemiah
- Harvey, Thomas
- Heard, Thomas
- Helton, John
- Henyard, James
- Hilbourn, Vaughn
- Hill, Harday
- Hines, David
- Hinson, John
- Holingsworth, Isaac
- Holliday, Ayres
- Honey Honea, Wilks
- Honey, Thomas
- Honley, Josiah
- Honley, Robert
- Hope, James
- Hover, Christian
- Howard, William
- Howell, Lewis
- Hubart, David
- Isaac, Elijah
- Jacob, Walter
- James, Peter
- Jinkins, William
- Johns, John
- Johnston, George
- Johnston, Nathaniel
- Jonbins, Allen
- Jones, Benjamin
- Jones, Britton
- Kees, Perry
- King, David
- King, Jessey
- Kirkland, Obediah
- Kitchens, Jonathan
- Kitchens, Joseph
- Kitchens, Phillip
- Lain, Joseph
- Lard, Thomas
- Lee, James
- Lenor, B. Francis
- Lewis, Baley
- Lewis, Joseph
- Lincon, John
- Long James
- Lott, Absolom
- Lott, John
- Lott, John-heir of
- Lott, Luke
- Lott, Simon
- Lott, William
- Lott, William J.
- Lott, Williams
- Love, Robert
- Love, William
- Low, John
- Mackenutty, James
- Mackenutty, William
- Macknutty, John
- Macknutty, Robert
- Magee, George
- Magee, Henry
- Magee, Jacob
- Magee, Jacob
- Magee, John
- Magee, Nehemiah
- Magee, Phillip
- Magee, Willis
- Martin, Aaron
- Martin, Cornelius
- Martin, Elijah
- Martin, Josiah
- Martin, Phillemon
- Mathews, John
- Maxwell, Jesse
- May, Benjamin
- May, James
- May, John
- May, Joseph
- May, Thomas
- McCrary, Matthew
- McGlaughlin, Dougel
- Mcgowen, James
- Mcgowen, Robert
- Mcgowen, William
- Mcgraw, David
- Mcgraw, David, Jr.
- Mcgraw, Lomeless
- Mcgrew, James
- McGruffy, John
- McKenney, Daniel
- McKenney, David
- McNaly, James
- Merrito, Joel
- M'gee, Daniel
- M'gee, John
- Michaeal, Edward
- Michael, Elizabeth
- Micheal, James
- Micheal, John
- Micketton, Robert
- Miles, William
- Miller, Jacob
- Miller, William
- Mills, William
- Mitcheal, Wright
- Mixon, Cornelius
- Mixon, Jessy
- Mixon, Vinson
- Mixon, William
- Morgan, David
- Morris, Nathan
- Newsom, Fredrick
- Nixon, G. Henry
- Noble, Stephen
- Norman, Presley
- Odem, Richard
- Odem, William
- Oneel, Ranson
- Owens, Thomas
- Pace, William
- Parker, Aaron
- Parkman, Cranshaw
- Pepper, Samuel
- Perkins, James
- Perkins, Reese
- Perkins, Samuel
- Phillip, James
- Pope, Jacob
- Preascoat, Ephrain
- Preascoat, Nathen
- Preascoot, Willis
- Price, Stephen
- Quin, Daniel
- Quin, Henry
- Quin, Hugh
- Quin, Peter
- Rabourn, James
- Ragland, Henry
- Ratliff, John
- Readman, Zachariah
- Rials, Charles
- Rials, George
- Richard, Ross
- Riley, M. Joseph
- Robert, James
- Roberts, James
- Robertson, Nathen
- Rolle, James
- Rolls, Benjamin
- Rolls, Briant
- Ross, John
- Runnels, Harden
- Runnels, Harmon
- Runnels, Howell W.
- Russell, John
- Sadler, Isaac
- Savage, Arther
- Scarborough, David
- Seale, Josiah
- Seals, Daniel
- Sertain, John
- Shanckle, Abraham
- Sim, W. G.
- Simmons, James
- Simmons, James, Sr.
- Simmons, John
- Simmons, Ralph
- Simmons, Richard
- Simmons, Willis
- Sims, Nathan
- Slaughter, Davis
- Slaughter, John
- Slaughter, Richard
- Slaughter, Robert
- Slaughter, William
- Smith, Daniel
- Smith, Eli
- Smith, Gedion
- Smith, George
- Smith, Henry
- Smith, Isham, Jr.
- Smith, Isham, Sr.
- Smith, Jeremiah
- Smith, John
- Smith, Levy
- Smith, Nathan
- Smith, Richard
- Smith, Stephen
- Smith, William, Sr.
- Smith, William, Sr.
- Somner, Owen
- Sparks, Richard
- Sparks, William
- Spencer, William
- Squires, William
- Stallings, John
- Starling, Allen
- Starling, John
- Stein, Nathaniel
- Stein, Robert
- Stigler, James
- Stovall, John
- Strother, John
- Summer, Jacob
- Summeral, David
- Summeral, Levy
- Summeral, Thomas
- Taber, Isaac
- Taylor, John
- Terrell, Timothy
- Thompson, Jefrey
- Thompson, Swan
- Thornhill, William
- Tillage, James
- Tillis, Temple
- Tilliss, Willeby
- Tines, Fleming
- Tines, Miner
- Toosing, Paul
- Towler, Henry
- Traylor, Landel
- Tribble, Spilsby
- Varnado, Leonard
- Varnado, Moses
- Varnado, Samuel
- Wainright, John
- Warran, John
- Warran, John, Jr.
- Warran, Penelope
- Warren, Joseph
- Watson, William
- Weathersbey, Isaam
- Welch, James
- Wells, Nathaniel
- Westfall, Samuel
- Whiteheard, William
- Williams, Nehemiah
- Williams, Rueben
- Wilson, Jesse
- Wilson, Samuel
- Windall, William