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A.G. Doss Lake Dam - GPS: 33.9167788, -88.5567118
Aberdeen Lake - GPS: 33.8301137, -88.5200435
Aberdeen Lock and Dam - GPS: 33.829796, -88.5197223
Acker Lake Cutoff - GPS: 33.8945569, -88.5464336
Alsup Creek - GPS: 33.7990003, -88.3083703
Becker Cutoff - GPS: 33.940667, -88.5344889
Blue Water Creek - GPS: 34.0642748, -88.4347658
Broyles Creek - GPS: 33.755948, -88.473375
Burketts Creek - GPS: 34.0001101, -88.5200444
Butler Creek - GPS: 33.8065028, -88.4889314
Buttahatchee River - GPS: 33.6506726, -88.5136542
Caldwell Branch - GPS: 34.0403866, -88.4555992
Cane Creek - GPS: 33.6612279, -88.5125431
Cane Creek Cutoff - GPS: 33.7278932, -88.4894866
Carver Branch - GPS: 33.724005, -88.5636557
Cedar Creek - GPS: 33.8684467, -88.6022685
Cedar Grove Creek - GPS: 33.7170593, -88.4375405
Cockerham Lake - GPS: 33.8054508, -88.3417872
Cowpen Creek - GPS: 33.87678, -88.6111577
Cowpenna Creek - GPS: 34.044832, -88.588936
Dabbs Lake Dam - GPS: 33.7001163, -88.5350437
Denman Branch - GPS: 33.6967828, -88.4983759
Denmon Cutoff - GPS: 33.6862273, -88.4939313
Devil Den Branch - GPS: 34.0378877, -88.5964361
Drummond Branch Cutoff - GPS: 33.901779, -88.5478225
Dry Creek - GPS: 34.0517727, -88.266707
Durgan Branch - GPS: 33.8939982, -88.2911492
Fourmile Creek - GPS: 34.0353868, -88.4653215
Fuller Creek - GPS: 33.6601172, -88.5719894
Gideon Lake Dam - GPS: 34.0201068, -88.28504
Greenbrier Branch - GPS: 33.9045564, -88.5025433
Grub Springs Branch - GPS: 33.7528903, -88.3222589
Hadaway Creek - GPS: 34.0712183, -88.3764316
Hales Lake Dam - GPS: 33.9651117, -88.6617152
Halfway Creek - GPS: 33.8703907, -88.527544
Hang Kettle Creek - GPS: 33.6395619, -88.5578224
James Creek - GPS: 33.7753924, -88.4936535
James Jenkins Lake Dam - GPS: 33.9984437, -88.5683791
Jericho Creek - GPS: 34.0545527, -88.4411547
Johnson Creek - GPS: 33.957334, -88.6633819
Ker Magee Lake Dam - GPS: 33.7367816, -88.461708
Kinney Creek - GPS: 33.9712197, -88.3561518
Lake Martha - GPS: 33.9520828, -88.6016428
Lake Monroe - GPS: 33.9473042, -88.5663836
Lake Thomas - GPS: 34.0694494, -88.4925201
Lake Whiteside - GPS: 34.0629846, -88.4986288
Lick Branch - GPS: 34.0609392, -88.2650404
Little Bottom Branch - GPS: 34.0453876, -88.5914361
Little Splunge Creek - GPS: 34.0276065, -88.2747622
Lockridge Creek Cutoff - GPS: 33.7390042, -88.4944867
Malone Lake - GPS: 34.0192376, -88.4836599
Maple Branch - GPS: 33.6987255, -88.376983
Massey Creek - GPS: 33.9703894, -88.6800491
Mattubby Creek - GPS: 33.8306694, -88.5330995
McAlpine Lake - GPS: 33.9934559, -88.4856247
McKinley Creek - GPS: 33.7084489, -88.4767085
McKinley Creek Cutoff - GPS: 33.7084491, -88.491709
McKinney Branch - GPS: 33.935108, -88.2630937
Mill Creek - GPS: 33.9053867, -88.2797602
Mill Creek - GPS: 34.0470535, -88.4875443
Miller Creek - GPS: 33.957334, -88.6631042
Millhouse Ditch - GPS: 34.0403877, -88.6086587
Minga Branch - GPS: 33.9234417, -88.2730937
Moccasin Creek - GPS: 33.8809459, -88.5219882
Moccasin Slough - GPS: 33.8985045, -88.5088932
Mormon Spring Branch - GPS: 33.8278885, -88.2972593
New Hamilton Cutoff - GPS: 33.7306711, -88.4961535
Nichols Creek - GPS: 33.8031696, -88.494487
Otter Lake (historical) - GPS: 33.6945604, -88.4894867
Poe Field - GPS: 33.745949, -88.5555999
Poison Pond - GPS: 34.0334424, -88.4728216
Portera Lake Dam - GPS: 33.583453, -88.7617182
Possum Creek - GPS: 33.9834412, -88.3244846
Presbyterian Lake Dam - GPS: 33.9001125, -88.566712
Pullen Lake - GPS: 33.8332731, -88.572712
Richardson Lake - GPS: 33.7054559, -88.5035335
Richardson Lake Cutoff - GPS: 33.7251156, -88.4986536
Roberts Branch - GPS: 34.0520541, -88.5933806
Rocky Bluff Branch - GPS: 33.7615011, -88.3130922
Roundhouse Branch - GPS: 33.9515001, -88.5306
Roundhouse Branch Cutoff - GPS: 33.950389, -88.5292111
Roy Reese Lake Dam - GPS: 33.7867814, -88.5300436
Running Slu - GPS: 33.6931702, -88.3833721
Rye Creek - GPS: 33.7734453, -88.3128146
Sadler Creek - GPS: 33.9348345, -88.6583816
Sams Branch - GPS: 33.8587211, -88.2950376
Scribner Lake - GPS: 33.9016742, -88.4944634
Section Creek - GPS: 34.0712183, -88.3767094
Shaw Lake - GPS: 33.7259668, -88.501363
Shell Field - GPS: 33.7167822, -88.4805975
Sloan Creek - GPS: 33.9703894, -88.6800491
Splunge Creek - GPS: 33.9776071, -88.2564276
Spring Creek - GPS: 33.6795612, -88.5586556
Standifer Creek - GPS: 34.0231652, -88.5025442
Stonewall Creek - GPS: 33.8337242, -88.4730978
Tadpole Creek - GPS: 33.8401135, -88.5214325
Tallabinnela Creek - GPS: 34.0820539, -88.6608829
Todd Branch - GPS: 33.8845539, -88.2939269
Town Creek - GPS: 33.9889994, -88.5472673
Treas Lake - GPS: 33.8375327, -88.5823334
Tubbalubba Creek - GPS: 34.0823317, -88.6614386
Turner Branch - GPS: 34.0284421, -88.4489322
Vinton Cutoff - GPS: 33.6792831, -88.4978204
Weaver Creek - GPS: 33.9367782, -88.5322666
Weaver Creek Cutoff - GPS: 33.9378893, -88.5306
Weeks Lake - GPS: 33.8657891, -88.3835685
Willgo Creek - GPS: 34.0539992, -88.7131064
Wilson Creek - GPS: 33.7170593, -88.4375405
Wolf Creek - GPS: 33.86428, -88.5686563
Wolf Creek - GPS: 34.0356654, -88.5736576
Word Creek - GPS: 33.934279, -88.6575483