Noxubee County

Mississippi Genealogy & History Network


    Noxubee County, Mississippi

presented by the Mississippi Genealogy & History Network

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A - M  Schools

Brooksville High School School
GPS: 33.2284575, 88.5781005

Central Academy School
GPS: 33.1154038, 88.5633768

Flatwoods School (historical)
GPS: 33.2492914, 88.7931087

Gathwright Institute (historical)
Unknown location

Harrison Grove School
GPS: 33.2642901, 88.5472661

Lick Skillet Academy (historical)
Unknown location

Macon Female Seminary (historical)
Unknown location

N - Z  Schools

Noxubee County Elementary School
GPS: 33.0531826, 88.553376

Noxubee County High School
GPS: 33.062349, 88.5569873

Noxubee County Junior High School
GPS: 33.1045705, 88.5519874

Noxubee County Vocational Center
GPS: 33.1087371, 88.543376

Prairie Grove School
GPS: 33.2715125, 88.6089351

Reed Attendance Center
GPS: 33.0001278, 88.5639317

Shotbag School
GPS: 33.2754017, 88.6944938

Shuqualak Female Academy (historical)
Unknown location

South Haven School
GPS: 33.1476251, 88.4630956

Summerville Institute (historical)
Unknown location

Wilson Attendance Center
GPS: 33.235124, 88.5750448