Perry County, Mississippi Rivers, Lakes & Streams
Please submit your Perry County, Mississippi records for researchers to share. Send your information to the Perry County, Mississippi Genealogy & History Network at
- Allan Branch - 31.394722, -89.022222
- Allan Branch - 31.202500, -88.842222
- American Legion Lake - 31.188333, -88.893333
- Andrew Pond - 31.020833, -89.122778
- Ashley Creek - 31.083611, -89.018333
- Bear Branch - 31.290278, -89.006389
- Beaver Creek - 30.968056, -88.973889
- Beaver Dam Creek - 31.356667, -88.924444
- Beaver Pond Creek - 31.088056, -89.087778
- Beaverdam Creek - 30.985833, -89.042500
- Bee Branch - 31.207500, -88.840278
- Big Branch - 31.018056, -89.068333
- Big Thick Branch - 31.391944, -89.025556
- Black Branch - 30.972778, -89.016667
- Black Creek - 30.696111, -88.668333
- Blue Goose Branch - 30.980556, -89.103889
- Blue Lake - 31.342222, -89.115000
- Blue Pond - 31.107500, -88.919167
- Bluff Creek - 30.781111, -88.885000
- Bogue Homo - 31.233056, -88.998611
- Breland Lake - 31.170556, -88.898056
- Buck Creek - 31.350833, -89.026944
- Bug Branch - 30.919444, -88.966667
- Burleman Branch - 31.248889, -89.082778
- Burnt Rock Creek - 30.963333, -88.847222
- Buzzard Branch - 31.357222, -89.117500
- Calf Branch - 30.925556, -88.976944
- Carter Branch - 31.314167, -89.108333
- Carter Creek - 31.180278, -88.912500
- Chapel Branch - 31.380278, -89.129444
- Chatman Branch - 31.363889, -89.115000
- Chattis Branch - 31.389444, -89.145556
- Clear Creek - 31.055833, -89.136944
- Clear Lake - 31.320833, -89.010833
- Coleman Creek - 31.209722, -88.986944
- Crane Creek - 31.207778, -88.904167
- Crane Lake - 31.251389, -88.941389
- Crane Lake - 31.245833, -88.934722
- Cypress Creek - 30.970833, -89.006667
- Davis Creek - 31.038056, -88.793611
- Deep Creek - 30.906389, -88.963889
- Deitz Lake - 31.184444, -88.913611
- Denham Creek - 31.222222, -89.071667
- Doctor Lake - 30.935556, -88.984444
- Driving Branch - 31.396944, -89.075000
- Dry Branch - 31.311667, -89.086944
- Dry Prong - 31.138056, -89.150556
- East Prong Mill Creek - 31.053611, -89.064444
- Eddy Lake - 31.346667, -89.113889
- Fairchild Creek - 31.037778, -89.015833
- Flat Branch - 31.033056, -88.934444
- Flat Branch - 31.305278, -89.004444
- Flat Branch - 31.000833, -88.859444
- Flat Branch - 30.851389, -88.848889
- Flat Branch - 31.404444, -89.150833
- Flat Branch - 30.939444, -88.828333
- Flint Creek - 30.771944, -89.063333
- Fox Branch - 31.379167, -88.961389
- Frances Branch - 31.358889, -89.121667
- Gaines Creek - 31.144722, -88.835833
- Gandy Lake - 31.358333, -89.110278
- Garraway Creek - 31.219722, -89.135556
- Gator Branch - 31.425278, -88.842222
- Gator Hole Pond - 31.034444, -88.866389
- Grantham Branch - 31.380000, -89.136667
- Grantham Lake - 31.317500, -89.106667
- Grapevine Branch - 31.322500, -89.008889
- Griffin Spring Branch - 30.983889, -89.120000
- Gum Branch - 31.223889, -89.025278
- Hammock Branch - 31.328056, -89.106944
- Harper Branch - 31.351667, -89.025556
- Harverson Mill Creek - 31.083056, -88.820000
- Hickory Creek - 30.949444, -88.991111
- Hickory Flat Branch - 31.032778, -88.935556
- Hollomans Pond - 31.412500, -89.037778
- Hood Branch - 31.342500, -89.113333
- Horseshoe Bend Lake - 31.174444, -88.905278
- Howard Reed Brake - 31.076667, -89.018333
- Hurricane Bay - 31.299167, -89.090556
- Indian Branch - 30.923611, -88.973056
- Inland Lakes - 31.238889, -88.967778
- Izola Lake - 31.330000, -89.111111
- Joes Creek - 31.052500, -89.018056
- Jumping Creek - 30.974167, -89.073611
- Lake Perry - 31.132500, -88.899722
- Leaf River - 30.982500, -88.730278
- Linda Creek - 31.396667, -89.021389
- Little Creek - 31.257222, -88.150000
- Little Gaines Creek - 31.312222, -88.850556
- Little Sweetwater Creek - 30.845000, -88.844444
- Long Branch - 31.095000, -88.891667
- Long Branch - 31.229167, -88.853889
- Long Branch - 31.427222, -88.875000
- Long Branch - 31.053611, -89.122222
- Long Branch - 31.295278, -88.866667
- Lott Dead River - 31.188889, -88.888333
- Lower Dead River - 31.219722, -89.134167
- McComb Branch - 31.402222, -89.153611
- McLeod Branch - 31.038056, -88.793333
- McLeod Branch - 30.980556, -88.968056
- McLeod Pond - 31.048611, -88.841667
- McSwain Branch - 31.119444, -88.820833
- McSwain Lake - 31.221667, -88.982500
- McWilliams Branch - 31.381111, -89.136944
- Merritt Creek - 31.087222, -88.787500
- Merritt Springs Branch - 31.252222, -89.000556
- Middle Creek - 31.054167, -89.122500
- Middle Lake - 31.340556, -89.115000
- Mike Branch - 31.381667, -89.033056
- Miles Branch - 31.205833, -89.081389
- Milky Creek - 31.209444, -89.056111
- Mill Creek - 31.270556, -89.007778
- Mill Creek - 31.294167, -89.096389
- Mill Creek - 31.415556, -89.027222
- Mill Creek - 31.041389, -89.078889
- Mill Creek - 30.965278, -89.014444
- Mill Creek - 31.243889, -88.998611
- Moffett Lake - 31.168889, -88.875556
- Mossy Creek - 30.966389, -89.095556
- Nelson Creek - 30.970556, -89.141667
- Newcomb Branch - 31.313611, -88.851667
- Nicholson Branch - 31.287500, -89.006667
- Oakwood Branch - 31.221944, -88.854167
- Palmetto Lake - 31.168333, -88.895000
- Parker Branch - 31.385833, -89.136111
- Pearces Creek - 31.031667, -89.079167
- Penn Branch - 31.299722, -89.142500
- Perry Lake - 31.223889, -88.932500
- Pine Branch - 31.313333, -88.918056
- Pine Log Branch - 31.396944, -88.914722
- Pineland Branch - 31.221389, -88.849167
- Piney Woods Creek - 31.334722, -88.848889
- Pitts Branch - 31.359167, -89.109167
- Pondy Branch - 31.092778, -89.089722
- Racetrack Bend - 31.191944, -88.933611
- Ready Branch - 31.324444, -89.029444
- Redhill Branch - 31.127778, -89.028056
- Reedy Branch - 31.225278, -88.862500
- Richland Creek - 31.108889, -89.017500
- Round Lake - 31.322778, -89.010833
- Rubin Lake - 31.338611, -89.115556
- Sand Hill Creek - 31.334722, -88.848889
- Sandy Creek - 30.865556, -88.919167
- Sandy Run - 30.973056, -89.072778
- Sapp Branch - 31.372500, -89.118611
- Scott Bend - 31.222778, -89.141389
- Shut Eye Creek - 31.093889, -89.016667
- Silver Run Branch - 31.023889, -88.941667
- Spogett Bay - 30.968889, -88.989444
- Sportsman Lake - 31.334167, -89.054444
- Stillhouse Branch - 30.984167, -89.031111
- Sweetwater Creek - 31.413056, -89.025000
- Sweetwater Creek - 31.124722, -89.016111
- Sweetwater Creek - 30.835556, -88.842778
- Tallahala Creek - 31.226667, -89.080000
- Third Creek - 31.377778, -89.127500
- Thomas Bay Branch - 30.979444, -89.086944
- Thomas Branch - 30.988889, -89.008889
- Thomas Creek - 31.335000, -89.115278
- Thompson Creek - 31.180556, -88.903056
- Tiak Lake - 30.931944, -89.168333
- Toms Camp Branch - 31.105000, -89.087500
- Turkey Branch - 31.008611, -88.954167
- Underwood Branch - 31.317222, -89.010833
- Walters Branch - 31.220833, -89.131111
- Water Prong - 31.149167, -89.088889
- Water Prong Creek - 30.962778, -88.844722
- Weldy Creek - 31.118611, -88.868056
- West Branch Hickory Creek - 31.001111, -88.957500
- West Prong Mill Creek - 31.053333, -89.065000
- Whiskey Creek - 30.901944, -88.770278
- White Branch - 31.366944, -89.027500
- White Pond Creek - 30.986389, -89.138611
- Wolfpen Branch - 31.037500, -89.100000
- Yellow Jacket Branch - 31.272778, -88.862500