Perry County, Mississippi Schools
Please submit your Perry County, Mississippi school records for researchers to share. Send your information to the Perry County, Mississippi Genealogy & History Network at
- Beaumont Elementary School - 31.167500, -88.920000
- Beaumont High School - 31.158889, -88.927778
- Bluff Creek School (historical) - 30.925556, -89.069444
- Brewer School (historical) - 31.370556, -88.862500
- Clay Hill School (historical) - 31.340278, -88.981667
- Deep Creek School (historical) - 30.917778, -88.915000
- Dykes School (historical) - 31.423333, -88.882222
- Janice School - 31.031111, -89.041389
- Lower Line School (historical) - 31.407778, -88.984722
- New Augusta Elementary School - 31.204444, -89.025833
- New York School (historical) - 30.995556, -89.096111
- Oak Grove School (historical) - 31.040278, -88.973611
- Perry Central High School - 31.204444, -89.026667
- Red Hill School (historical) - 31.131111, -89.063333
- Richton Elementary School - 31.351111, -88.941944
- Richton High School - 31.350833, -88.942778
- Runnelstown Elementary School - 31.376389, -89.112500
- Saint Johns School - 31.039444, -89.055556
- Tucker Bay School (historical) - 31.243889, -88.985000