1841 Mississippi State Census for Simpson County, Mississippi
Please submit your Simpson County, Mississippi census records and information for researchers to share. Send your information to the Simpson County, Mississippi Genealogy & History Network at msghn@outlook.com
Disclaimer: We strive to provide acccurate information to our visitors, however mistakes can and do happen. Reading old style handwriting is at times very difficult. "J's" can look like "I's", "M's can look like "N's" or even "W's" depending on that census taker's style of handwriting. Keep this in mind when using this information.
The data below is presented in this order: HEAD of HOUSEHOLD - NUMBER of WHITES in HOUSEHOLD
- Adams, W. B. - 8
- Ainsworth, Aapon? - 10
- Ainsworth, Arlow - 4
- Ainsworth, Thomas - 4
- Allen, Lorenzy - 3
- Allen, William - 6
- Anderson, James - 6
- Anderson, Prior - 8
- Ashly, Thomas - 4
- Baggot, Thomas - 1
- Baringer, John A. - 5
- Barnes, John - 4
- Barnes, William - 7
- Barnette, N. A. - 8
- Benison, George - 6
- Benison, John - 3
- Benison, William - 7
- Biddle, Stephen - 8
- Blackwell, John - 3
- Blackwell, Josiah - 6
- Blakeny, Thomas - 9
- Bowen, Samuel - 4
- Bowlin, William F. - 1
- Boyer, William - 1
- Boykin, Frank - 9
- Boykin, John - 15
- Brigthe, Godfrey - 8
- Brown, George - 7
- Brown, John - 10
- Bryant, G. - 7
- Buckaloo, Andrew J. - 4
- Butler, James - 11
- Cambell, Peter - 3
- Campell, John - 6
- Carelile, William - 4
- Carr, F. - 9
- Carter, William - 9
- Chislom, John - 5
- Chislomon?, Alexander - 1
- Clark, Aaron - 6
- Clark, Jackson - 2
- Clark, Moses - 5
- Clark, Simon - 3
- Coleman, Arick - 11
- Coleman, Levi - 3
- Cook, Pleasant - 5
- Copeland, Coleman - 2
- Coward, Abel - 4
- Craft, Burbin - 3
- Craft, David - 2
- Craft, James - 8
- Craft, James Jr. - 11
- Craft, Reubin - 5
- Craft, Whitmill - 5
- Croft, Bryant - 5
- Crook, Lewis - 3
- Currie, Daniel - 6
- Currie, Neil - 8
- Dees, Calvin - 7
- Dickerson, Thomas - 6
- Dicks, Jacob - 6
- Dikes, Henry - 6
- Drummonds, William - 10
- Duckworth, E. D. - 5
- Duckworth, R. C. - 7
- Duncan, Zebidee - 3
- Dunford, Elizabeth - 7
- Dupre, Thomas - 7
- Durr, J. D. - 5
- Easterling, Davis - 7
- Easterling, Nancy - 8
- Elliotte, S. F. - 5
- Elliotts, Joshua - 5
- Eubanks, Thomas - 12
- Evans, Elizabeth - 5
- Files, Martin - 2
- Fletcher, Thomas - 7
- Fletcher, William - 4
- Flinn, Daniel A. - 1
- Flowers, Flin - 4
- Flowers, Jackson - 9
- Flowers, Richard - 8
- Flowers, William - 8
- Fountain, Harmon - 5
- Franklin, William - 8
- Furlow, James - 7
- Galivant, Richard - 9
- Garzier, William - 8
- Gentry, Josiah - 10
- Goodson, William - 5
- Gowin, Richard - 2
- Groinns, John M. - 3
- Groins, Jesse - 4
- Gunter, Allen - 10
- Harris, Greenberry - 5
- Harry, Jesse - 8
- Hartly, Francis - 8
- Harvy, James - 2
- Harvy, Linsy - 4
- Harvy, Michael - 6
- Harvy, Thomas - 2
- Harvy, William - 1
- Haton, C. C. - 8
- Hayles, John C. - 5
- Hays, E. - 6
- Hays, Elias - 4
- Hays, Joseph - 7
- Henderson, Daniel - 7
- Hester, John - 10
- Hickman, John - 7
- Hill, James - 6
- Holloman, James - 8
- Hull, Olive - 5
- Husbands, Thomas - 9
- Jergan, Stephen - 7
- Johnson, James P. - 3
- Jones, Alam? - 7
- Jones, Bedford - 4
- Jones, Britton - 7
- Jones, Timothy - 3
- Jones, W. B. - 8
- Kelly, Archibald - 5
- Kelly, Malcomb - 7
- Keys, Benjamin - 5
- Keys, Emily - 4
- Keys, William - 10
- Lee, Everet - 5
- Lee, James - 9
- Lewis, Abner - 5
- Lingle, David - 2
- Long, Archibald - 3
- Long, William - 5
- Lucas, Clem - 7
- Lucas, Levi - 7
- Lucas, Robert - 1
- Magee, Elizabeth - 6
- Magee, John - 5
- Magee, Philip - 5
- Mangorum, Henry - 5
- Mares, James - 6
- Marhing, James - 7
- Martin, James - 10
- Martin, Joseph - 11
- Mayfield, John - 6
- McCary, James S. Sr. - 8
- McCrimmons, Daniel - 5
- McDaniel, Alexander - 9
- McDowell, M. - 5
- McGill, Anguish - 1
- McGill, Duncan - 1
- McGill, James - 2
- McKelpin, John - 4
- McLaurin, Lauchlin - 4
- McMaster, James - 5
- McNair, Angus - 8
- Miley, Daniel - 11
- Miller, Hiram - 8
- Miller, James - 10
- Murorls?, Hugh - 6
- Nicholas, Elisha - 7
- Nobles, Samuel - 2
- Noblin, Robert - 5
- Owens, George - 2
- Owens, Maston - 6
- Page, Elizabeth - 2
- Parks, Charner - 6
- Pittman, E. L. - 7
- Powell, Abram - 5
- Puckett, Abram - 6
- Puckett, Jesse - 8
- Puckett, Thomas - 5
- Rawls, Jesse - 3
- Rawls, John - 10
- Redick, John - 8
- Reed, John R. - 4
- Richardson, Robert - 6
- Richardson, W. W. - 5
- Roberts, Jesse - 5
- Robertson, Susan - 5
- Rodgers, George W. - 3
- Rodgers, Reubin - 19
- Rowlin, Allen - 8
- Royals, Branee - 6
- Royals, Gideon - 4
- Royals, Lewis - 1
- Royals, Rankin - 3
- Sampson, Arthur - ?
- Sampson, Chales - 9
- Sellers, John - 11
- Shirley, William - 1
- Silivant, Laudrick - 3
- Silivant, Owen - 6
- Silivant, Stephen - 8
- Silivant, Thomas Jr. - 4
- Silivant, Thomas Sr. - 12
- Simpson, Richard - 4
- Simpson, William - 8
- Sims, James W. - 6
- Sims, Jose - 11
- Sistrunk, Henry - 11
- Slivant, James - 9
- Smith, Charles - 4
- Smith, H. C. - 3
- Smith, Isham - 11
- Smith, J. D. - 5
- Smith, James - 10
- Smith, James N. - 3
- Smith, John - 4
- Smith, Leroy Y. - 5
- Smith, Peter - 1
- Smith, Samuel - 5
- Smith, Thomas - 3
- Smith, Tobias - 6
- Smith, William - 1
- Spinks, John - 5
- Stephens, John - 7
- Sterling, Jesse - 3
- Stone, Samuel - 1
- Stringer, Mathew B. - 6
- Strong, Elijah - 7
- Stubbs, Triston - 5
- Tanner, Christopher - 4
- Tanner, William - 7
- Thomas, John - 2
- Thomas, Sarah - 3
- Thomas, William - 12
- Thornton, B. C. - 4
- Thornton, John - 10
- Thornton, Levi - 6
- Thornton, Sarah - 2
- Thornton, William - 5
- Tullos, Ann - 1
- Tullos, Richard - 5
- Tullos, Stephen - 6
- Tullos, Thomas - 9
- Tullos, Vincent - 3
- Tullos, Willaby - 4
- Tullos, William - 8
- Tully, Jackson - 3
- Turner, Judiah - 7
- Vinzant, Edward - 5
- Vinzant, John - 11
- Vinzant, William - 8
- Walker, Henry - 8
- Wammock, Francis - 9
- Ward, David - 6
- Warren, Hackley - 11
- Weems, Barty - 3
- Weems, James S. - 12
- Weems, James S. - 1
- Weems, John J. - 2
- Weems, Joseph - 5
- White, Richard - 3
- Wiggins, William - 3
- Wilborn, William - 8
- Wilcox, Walter - 5
- Wilkins, Leroy - 4
- Wilkins, Richard - 3
- Willam?, William - 7
- Williamson, D. B. - 5
- Williamson, Thomas - 7
- Yelverton, Zilpha - 5
- Young, John - 4