Tishomingo County, Mississippi Biographies / Obituaries
Please submit your Tishomingo County, Mississippi biographies / obituaries for researchers to share. Send your information to the Tishomingo County, Mississippi Genealogy & History Network at msghn@outlook.com
Click on any name below for additional information regarding that person.
- Howard “Tad” ADCOCK, 1926 - 2006, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
- Thomas C. CASTLEBERRY, 1879 - 1940, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
- Isabell “Bell” Waddle CAVENESS, 1879 - 1958, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
- Tommy Wayne EPPERSON, 1943 - 2011, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
- John Andy “Lee” JOHNSON, 1935 - 2008, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
- Annie Mae NORRIS, 1916 - 2008, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
- Geneva C. Hale WALDRUP, 1916 - 2008, (submitted by Gerald & Tammy Westmoreland)
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